Ok, I feel stupid. before I installed the sun roof motor I had checked to see if it would operate. So far so good. then install a replacement drive cable and had the headliner installed. Now I went to operate it, it will barley turn over with me assisting the drive cable. And that is with no cables installed, with the clutch adjustment screw and washer out. How dose the tension adjusting screws come into play ?( the two tapper head screws ) The service procedure book dose not explain how to set them. Or maybe the motor is bad under load. Very frustrated !
The taper head srews mount the motor. The screw and washer you have to remove to used the manual handle sets the tension for the slip clutch.
Well OK, that`s what I thought. I am guessing my motor is dragging its BUTT ! Does anyone have a extra motor ? Or where to get it repaired ?
Thanks you xr7g428 & Royce ! Cool Beans