I am doing a conversion on a 69 vert from the 3 speed to a 5 speed tremec. I have the pedal set up etc, but I am not sure about the tunnel opening and the floor console opening. Can anyone tell me what I am up against or will the shifter just go in the existing holes.
You will have to trim the shifter hole slightly on the right side for the T5 shifter to come through properly. I have seen people use the manual transmission cars console with no issues but automatic may be an issue.
How scarce is the manual shift console? I would think they would be hard to come by. I like the idea of the T5 swap they are good transmissions.
For '69 -70, its only an insert that fits in the top of the console that is different between standard and automatic. The part is available reproduction. FWIW though, a '69 -'70 automatic console can be used with a standard, but not the other way. The opening in the automatic console is slightly oversize, so it doesn’t fit around the manual transmission shifter boot as neatly, but it isn’t glaringly obvious.