The Most Interesting Man In The World

I had today off from work for Presidents day. So after getting home from the dentist I’ve been kicking around the house BORED! So when I saw an add come on the television it gave me an idea.

So here is my idea!

:thumbs up!:

thats great
"peel rubber my friends , peel rubber "

Excellent :beerchug:

I love it!!!

I’m glad you all enjoyed it. It was fun making it :smiley: .

The “Carmaro’s” is an improper use of the apostrophe. Apostrophes are used for indicating possessive, not plural! My old English teacher would have failed any paper with that!

She would also have a problem with the spelling.

Geez, you guys need to lighten up man! Who do you think you are, that ECI Supa’ Mod guy over on MCnet or sumthin’? (His Mom was an “Engrish” major)


:spit: Engrish!

Thanks guys, it’s all in good fun. I wish MS paint had spell check and caught my mistake.

I still can’t find a spelling error in that photo. Just the one apostrophe that shouldn’t be there.

I didn’t have any trouble understanding what the words meant, as written. :slight_smile:

Camaro was spelled wrong in the post that pointed out my error. :laughing:

:ylsuper: :ylsuper:

:beerchug: for having my back zman, I missed it till you pointed it out. Thanks :thumbup:


I love the line in these commercials where he says “He bowls over-hand.”

Hope the dental appt went well as I am a DDS

I saw that commercial last night, at the end he fusses at the Cougar for jumping on the counter while he’s cooking. Whatever ad agency came up with the idea for this did a great job. They are funny. I love the quote, - Police often question him, just because they find him interesting. :laughing:

Everything went good at the dentist, check up and cleaning. :smiley:


I am glad to hear that. Remember, you don’t need to floss ALL your teeth, just the ones you want to keep!!

[quoteEverything went good at the dentist, check up and cleaning. :smiley:


My fault for posting after too many :beerchug: :buck:

It’s all good :thumbup: . I had a good laugh. If you can’t laugh at yourself who can you laugh at. :smiley: