The new Cougar Registry site is on the way!

As you are all probably aware, the TCCN has ceased to exist. however, there were a few elements of the site that will go forward, (again, thanks Steve!) Those elements are the registry pages for the XR7-G, GT-E, and Eliminator.

These registries will be found on a new site currently under construction. That site will be It will take some time to get things sorted out and up and running, but when complete the new site will be available to all of the special registries as well as the master registry supported by the Cougar Club Of America.

The new site is hosted and supported by http://www.ClassicCougarCommunity.Com. That means you guys! With a special thanks to all of those members that have those little golden buttons by their names!

The first of the new sites is up

For the sake of continuity, the other registries are being temporarily hosted in sub-domains of while the updated versions are being developed. Those addresses are, for now:

Thanks again and again Steve AND Bill!

Great news Bill, thanks. And of course, a big thank you to Steve.

Bill, if there is anything I can do to help with the updated XR7-G sight, let me know.

I have recreated, in vector format, several of the G logos and badges and I have some neat and rare G print collateral.


Phillip anything you can send in jpeg format to my email address? ( billb at ) would be greatly appreciated.

Will do Bill.

Most of what I have has been posted, one way or another by Royce and others, but I will make more complete, hi-res scans and email them to you.

It will take a little time.

  • Phillip