Tie Breaker! Vote for the February ROTM!

Vote for the February 2017 Ride of the Month!

  • Kyle67’s Bad Kitty
  • Guitar74’s 68

0 voters


Heads up everyone! We are going to vote for three days and hopefully we will have clean win.

Nominees, help us out and post some more pics! Tell us your story!

The nominees are:

Kyle67’s Bad Kitty

Guitar74’s 68

This is close again!

They are both 1st gens so it comes down to a matter of style.

WOW! that was close. Kind of like the Superbowl!

Congrats Guitar!

Thanks, guys. I really like Kyle’s ride. So much so that I really expected him to win.

I appreciate it it, guys.


Both very cool cats. Congrats Guitar Man!

Congratulations on the win Guitar74.

Made me think of this:

I have their best of.

Congrats guitar74 :beerchug:

Thanks, Zman!

Congratulations Guitar74 !!!
Looking forward to the write up