Bill, I’ve also been using the view new posts button consistently and it works great. One change I’d like to see is to add the Mark Forums Read button added to the toolbar so I don’t have to navigate back to the main index to access it.
The “top” button is already located in the bottom right hand corner of every post. It looks like a little arrow in a circle. I will see if it is possible to get it re-labeled as TOP.
That’s a good idea for “Mark forums read”. Thanks!
Jay changed the little arrow icon for top to the word top. Hopefully that will make it easier to find.
There is an issue with “mark forums read” This is a global command that will mark everything in every part of the site read, not just the thread or section that you are using. So you might accidentally mark something as read and not realize it… We want to do what you guys want, but thought this might be a consideration. Comments?
I’m OK with that. I always come into the forums, click on new posts, then read the ones I want to read. Once I’ve done that, I click Mark Forums Read so I won’t see unchanged threads the next time I visit. I assume that the global command is the same for and that’s how I’ve always used it there, too.