Ok, FINALLY made a longer distance drive, home from work, yesterday. It’s about 18 miles. Finally got to let it “breathe”, blow out the cobwebs, etc…and I noticed, at higher RPM’s(no tach yet…have a Rktmn mini, just haven’t finished hooking it up yet), anyway, at the higher revs, the transmission has a pretty high whine. Not having any experience with “normal”, is that normal?
Thanks, Don…I’ll check the fluid, make sure I’ve got plenty in there. If so, is that a “normal” sound? Trying to get “familiar” with it, now that it’s driveable. Never got to drive it before I took it too far apart! Darn rookies. LMAO.
I swapped in a 3.91 pumpkin into a Road Runner that had a loud wine, but sold the car that way so I don’t know what the fix was other than putting the old pumkin back in. 4 speeds commonly make a winey noise in 1st and am not sure why. My cobras 6 speed when new had a wine in 1st. Other gear noise I have experienced had kind of a rattley kinda low wine.These were all in the higher gears. I had a T10 in an AMC that I had rebuilt and the took care of that kind of noise. Can’t be anymore help I’m afraid.
Might talk to or e-mail Top Loader Heaven
Good luck
Might also check in on the “Ford Transmissions” forum on Netwrok 54. David Kee (the owner of Toploader Heaven) is a ‘regular’ there; like Barry Robotnik (Survival Motorsports) hangs out on the FE Forum and Mark McKeon (MME) spends much time on the Cleveland Forum.
Needless to say, you can get a lot of GOOD tech info on your toploader there.
Now that y’all mention it, it’s only 1st/2nd that do the “whine”…it’s not an annoying sound, or anything, just a “hey, I’m here” kind of sound. Dunno. Don’t think I’ll worry on it until it sounds like metal on metal. Considering when we opened the thing up, it still had run-in paint on the gears, I’d imagine it’s just peachy.
BTW, DD, David Kee owns “David Kee Toploaders”, and Mark ?? owns Toploader Heaven…(drawing a blank on Marks last name at the moment).
Have had several more drives this wekend, each one bringing more confidence that the last…!
As for the whine; I’m starting to get a whine in my F150’s 4R70W. Only in1st and reverse, of course. Reminds me of an FMX; which is not surprising, considering the heritage of the AOD/4R70 line.
Every bit of info I’ve found says the MAJORITY of Toploaders came with the black, 7 tooth, speedo DRIVE gear…so, I ordered a DRIVEN gear based on that. Well, seems my speedo is off, still, but computes perfectly for a 6 tooth PINK drive gear. Can the drive gear be changed without taking the whole stinkin’ thing out again, or should I just live with it reading under what I’m actually going?
Oh, and the “whine” seems to have remedied itself…perhaps it was just the years of sitting, and things needed time to re-lube? shrug
Yeah, that one is no problem to change, Bill…it’s the drive gear itself I’m curious about. The one that actually drives the speedo cable gear. I’ve not confirmed that it was my speedo that was off, yet. Have a state trooper in the hood that is going to tag me with his radar to verify, just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Was looking for the possibility of just being able to unbolt the tailshaft(maybe no?) and swap the drive gear to a 7 tooth black, if it ends up being me that’s off. If it’s not that easy, then I’ll just have to pay attention to my speed, figure how much I’m off with the radar gun, and adjust mentally as needed, when on the road.
LOL, so am I, now…I think…wait, what were we talking about??? GAAAAAH!!!
Ok, I’ll do the radar-shoot first, THEN worry about trying to change the internal drive gear, if need be. I did my computations for the speedo end gear based on the black drive gear…so, if it turns out accurate…my father in law needs to fix his truck! LMAO