
Who is the user google [bot]?

Google uses bots, or spiders to crawl the site and index the posts. You may see them show up as guests or other times as Google bots. There are also other search engines that do the same thing. I have heard that there are also bots that mine data about site usage that also show up as bots.

Yes, but this one shows as a registered user with this name. Not a guest.

not important, it’s just that I had not seen that anywhere else.


There are registered-user accounts built into the forum software we’re using for the most prominent search engines like Google, Yahoo, and others so that they can gain access to registered-member-only topics and index them. The registered-member-only topics then show up in the results of a search on Google or whatever, and when you click on them, you’re prompted to log in to the forums to access them. We don’t (yet) have any registered-members-only content, but the 'bots don’t know that, so they dutifully log in to check us out.

test test

I’ll see your “Test Test” and raise you a Hello Jim! Hope you & your family had a good “end of year” time! :smiley: