Vote for November Ride of the Month!

Let the voting begin! My selection for November 2011 Ride of the Month is:

  • Brian Aust’s GT-E Blackie
  • MercuryDon’s GT-E Wellington Blue
  • MO2872’s “Sooner Cat” RestoMod
  • Harry’s '69 Eliminator
  • Jan-Ove’s 1968 Restomod

0 voters

It is time to select the November Ride of the Month!

Candidates, this is also the place to strut your stuff! Show us more pics, tell us your story, offer us free beer!

The candidates are:

Jan Ove’s spectacular 1968 Resto Mod.

Harry’s once lost, but found again 40 years later; stunning 1969 Eliminator

MO2872’s gorgeous “Sooner Cat” RestoMod

MercuryDon’s very classy GT-E in Wellington Blue

Brian Aust’s bad to the bone GT-E “Blackie”

I just can’t Bill. Whew! All of the above? I’m telling you, those are the stuff GREAT calendars are made of.


Stickin’ to my guns, goin’ with the Welli!!

So hard to choose because they are all great cats - and all should be chosen for ride of the month at some point in the coming months. Guess I’ll have to go with the one that is geographically closest to me (and the only one I’ve actually ridden in too!).

Tough decision - all nominees are great!

Is a trend developing with the orange cars? :think:

I hope this doesn’t turn into “Orange Ride of the Month”. I’d never have a chance. :wink:

geezz guys i can not pick one …i say “all the above”
those are some nice cats.

but i will try…:slight_smile:

Ill have one of each please, give me a day or two to explain to the wife on why were broke and we need a small warehouse…

I’m kinda partial to Brian’s car, as it’s a black 68 and all. I’m a bit of a sucker for them.

To echo the sentiments of others, that is a fine collection of Cougars right there!!! Definitely not easy to pick just one.

:shrug:, there will be other months!

Is there a poll on this thread? I use tapatalk and it doesn’t show a poll, but I’m assuming if I view on PC there will be one, yes?

Yes, there is a poll.

I didn’t know that tapatalk didn’t show that… Hmmm. I wonder if there is a work around?

Yup…use a dinosaur desktop!


Desktop?!? I havent had a desktop computer in use since… I forget the exact year but I think it was either 2000 or 2001. Desktop?!?

I’ll use my laptop to vote though, if I gotta. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL…I’ve had one of them lapd…errr…wait…what were we talking about?

I’d go for Harry’s. They are all great, but Harry’s story is a cut above!

Voting ends at midnight tonight!

Vote Vote Vote!

Yeah, I’m mounting a comeback…LMAO!

Man, I gotta get my password emailed to me, I forgot it and I can’t even see the poll through tapatalk. :-/