How do you feel about the changes to the site, particularly running the Forum in a frame?
- Love it!
- It’s an improvement.
- No big deal either way.
- I liked it better as a separate window/tab.
- Hate it!
0 voters
If you have visited the main Classic Cougar Community web site lately, you may have noticed a number of changes:
- The Member Login tab and form is gone. You can no longer log in to the main site.
- The Register link is gone. New members can no longer register for the main site.
- Clicking the Forum link opens the Forum in a frame of the main site instead of a new window/tab.
- The Donate button has moved.
The problem was, we were getting quite a few inquiries from users who got confused about the different registration and login systems for the Forum and the main site. There is a way to use the same registration and login system for both, but it’s buggy and makes keeping both the Forum and the web site upgraded more difficult. The solution we came up with was to do away with the registration/login system on the main site, and just go with the registration/login system for the Forum.
That approach meant losing two things on the main site, the ability to upload/download documents, and the ability to create personal photo galleries. (Is that three things?) Nobody has ever uploaded a document, and we can still add them for users who submit them to us, so that was no big loss. We changed the settings so you don’t have to be logged in to download documents, so that’s actually easier. The remaining issue was the personal photo galleries. Personal photo galleries is a feature we didn’t want to do without. So we’ve added a Gallery to the Forum. It may not have any images in it yet, but it will. I’m going to be adding a Tutorial on how to create a personal gallery to show off all your Cougar photos soon. In the meantime, we’d like to get some feedback about the changes. To make that easy, we’ve created this handy poll.
If you came to the Forum directly, you probably have no clue what I’m talking about. To see what this is all about, go here, which will show you the Forum in a frame on the main site.