WCCC 2013 Annual Open House

Here are some pics from the open house and cruise! Didn’t get too many during the show, but I did get a pic of every car as they went over the covered bridge. If anyone would like prints of any of these just let me know.

Raffle winners!

It sprinkled a little, but it wasn’t enough to deter us…

Lining up outside WCCC for the cruise…

The drive included a jaunt over a covered bridge.

Brian, who was leading the pack, impulsively stopped at this scenic spot before we got to Silverton, and I think it was a great idea… perfect scenic photo op.

Cougars taking over Silverton!

Cruising to Sonic after dinner…

We had to recreate last year’s famous photo at Sonic, here are a couple versions:

I think this last one would make a good poster. In fact I had a couple people walk up to me at the show and ask about getting prints of last years’ photo. So, I’m going to look into it! Stand by on updates on that front. Now, to go through my video footage and attempt to throw something coherent together. It was a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone who came out!

Andrew thanks for posting the pictures. It looks like it was a great cruise and a wonderful day to be a Cougar enthusiast.

Looks like an awesome event and great documentation by Andrew, as always! Thanks for sharing it with us.

That Sonic photo is way cool.

That’s our mayor “Stu” in the background of the 70 vert.

Bummer! I wish I hadn’t had to bail out… I’ve always wanted to check out his rack. What dood doesn’t want his very own set of boobs to grab any time he wants? :bloated: :puke:

That is Hilarious Kim!!! Guess I never really contemplated that… He is a very well read, intelligent guy that has no problem getting re-elected in our small, rural farming town. My electrician says he was the first person he has met who could ever clearly explain to him the theory behind converting a 3 phase motor to single phase motor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfiY0t-SA4A

I saw him interviewed on the news awhile back. Ugly chick, but he did sound like he was a reasonable person otherwise. Sadly, part of my brain hasn’t matured beyond that of a teenaged boy, so my mind lives in the gutter sometimes. But after all these years, I’ve learned that it’s not my job to judge–I’ll leave that to Someone whose place it is to do so. We’re all weird.

But I did want to thank you and your staff and Javier for hosting this event! I can only imagine the amount of preparatory work involved, plus the fact that you guys all worked all weekend long. We had fun (as much as a 9-year-old can have at a car thing) and hopefully the Cougar will look (and perform) better next year and have “evolved” a little further back in time, with a few more details corrected. …And some new/old hood and eyebrow trim pieces :wink:

Thanks again!

Don and the rest of the WCCC gang ~ Thanks for the picnic lunch at Champoeg on Sunday! I’m going to try much harder to get to the WCCC open house next year.

Looks like it was a great event and turnout. Thanks for all the pics for those on the other side of the country.

Agreed. Unfortunately for many of us, this is as close as we will likely get to attending so it is nice to get a flavor, see some of the cars and the surroundings, I am sure it is a great time.

I’ve got a buddy out that way. I’d like to think that one year I can get out there. Even bring the cougar. I’d want an enclosed trailer though. Tow her with my expedition. That would be quite a trip.

Great pictures ! looks awesome, would be great to be there !
Nice to see so many cougars cruising down the road , must get allot of attention in such a pack :slight_smile:

Btw, who’s cougar is the 67 red one from ( named kit kat )
Are there some more pictures online from that one ?
Like the style of that one

That belongs to Rob Lucas who drove up from Northern California.

Video is done! Watch on YouTube: http://youtu.be/ZNxf3N0EAXM

Here is a link to the video.

Here is the link to the poster we are selling.

Another great job on the video. Thanks, Andrew (and Don)!

I finally watched it last night. Enthralling! No excuses next year - I’m gonna be there, dammit!

…unless something comes up and I can’t make it :-/


Andrew, that has got to be the best video you’ve put together to date. Well done sir.

I hear ya Mike, got to make it down for this event next year as well, hopefully I can have my Cougar all back together before then LOL

Great video Andrew. That’s the next best thing to being there. I’m just curious. Who has traveled the farthest to attend a WCCC open house? This years or past open houses.