WCCC 2013 Annual Open House

We have the date for the West Coast Classic Cougar Open House planned for the weekend of August 9-11, 2013.

Partial schedule includes:

Friday August 9 - Meet and Greet - Sales and Showroom open. Snacks

Saturday August 10 - Cougars on display - Junk yard tour, Sales and Showroom open, beverages, afternoon cruise. food.

Sunday August 11 - Meet at WCCC and cruise to the All Ford Picnic at Champoeg State Park.

More details to follow

Thanks for getting this information out early this year. It sure helps for planning. Hope to see many of you there.

Agreed! :beerchug: Want to try and bring something interesting up this year, but I need lots of advance warning to schedule a Friday off work. Thanks!

We would love to bring down a couple of cars from Calgary, Alberta, Canada

We’re planning on coming.


For anyone not on our email list, here are more details and info about this year’s Open House. Hope to see some of you there!

Looks like I’ll be camping with my son’s boy scout troop until (and including) the 10th, but I should be at Champoeg on the 11th.

Yea Ha. Lord Lucas and his Leadfoot Ladies will be in attendance. My wife is bringing her 68 gt and I am bringing my 67 standard. We are driving BOTH- Yes both - from California Bay Area. Looking forward to meeting many new people and introducing the famous Zoe to everyone. We are camping on the way and also on the way back. Want people to know you can still travel in a Cougar and have fun doing it. We are staying in Salem camp grounds in our tents. Again we have been looking forward to this outing, this our family vacation this year. Right now it is Monday night and when pulling my 67 standard cougar (kitkat) into the driveway he decided to blow his power steering pressure hose. Dam. And I thought all I had to do was wash and pack him. Oh well… We are still coming and plan on being in town by Friday late morning/early afternoon.

Lord Lucas and his Leadfoot Ladies

ps… Working on the 68 gt flame kit tonight- hope all will work for the evening cruise from the bbq.

I was talking to Don on the phone today and he thinks there is going to be a record number of attendees.
Heather and I will be there and we hope to see as many other Cougar enthusiasts as possible.

Rob, good on you guys… Camping in tents from your Cougars. Awesome!!

Friday afternoon at WCCC.

Just a the early cars in this photo, more on the other side.

Great pics, but I sure hope there’s going to be more!

Looking forward to seeing more pictures. It looks like there was a pretty good turn out. Did you get any video Andrew?

One year ill get my cougar out west and attend this event. Hope to see more pics.

Video and pics will be forthcoming :slight_smile: I bailed on today’s events but hopefully someone else will post photos from the all-Ford show at Champoeg.

Sorry, but I only took pix of the '67/'68s







Jasper says, “What do you mean you were out with other cats?”

Looks like a great turnout, wonder how many Cougars were there?

I never counted and some would show up for a few hours on one of the days and then leave but there were probably close to 30 over the course of the weekend. That isn’t counting any of the WCCC cars.

40ish cycled through in the 3 days and that includes the hand-full of WCCC cars. Great company, great time! Watch our facebook site for more pics.

Here’s pics I took at Champoeg:

Was there double the amount of Cougars than Mustangs? Loved all the stockers brought in by the early V8 Ford Club!