What is the correct PN for HertzG Thermostat housing?

While my engine is off at the machine shop I am shopping for those pieces that are missing or in this case swapped out with the wrong part.

What part number would I be looking for the thermostat housing on my Hertz G? So 390GT-4V, auto, smog, AC, built 2/29/68. I think it’s C8AE-8594E.

Also what about the thermal vacuum switch? pretty hard to find are they ?

It’s this one - same as a '68 428 CJ unfortunately: Thermostat housing

The thermal vacuum switches have a date code that is unfortunately the same too.

thanks for the link. very helpful. looks like the vacuum switch is just like the one on my 69 Mustang 302-2v. So that shouldn’t be too terrible to locate.

Could be but the date code will be very specific.