Whitch Leaf springs to get?

My rear leaf springs are more straight than arched.
The car sits 1.25 lower than the front.
Do i get the stock replacements or the compilation ?

I bought new leafs from General Springs. They sell them for Cougars. They have a couple different ones. I bought the 5 leaf springs instead of the 4 leaf springs. They lifted my back end around 3”

I have had terrible luck buying new leaf springs. I have used Eaton Detroit 5 times and Espo twice. Generally the springs are too high or too low. Every time I have had to have them re - arched to get the ride height I want.

Normally if the springs are not heavily pitted or broke in half the real answer is to have your original springs rebuilt and re - arched. It’s generally a lot cheaper too.

Thank you for the reply.
Im in florence Kentucky .
Who does it or where can i have them rearched ?

I used to live in Hebron KY so I am very familiar with this area. There might be a place that does that in Northern KY but I often crossed the river into Cincinnati to get stuff done. Try this place: Spring Shop

Will do ,ty