Who is "the guy" for rebuilding PS valves and boxes?

I remember reading this here very recently but can’t seem to find the post now. Someone had mentioned “the guy” for rebuilding PS control valves and steering boxes, and his prices seemed super reasonable too.


http://www.stangerssite.com/ Randy is very good, but expect it to take a very long time. If he gets too busy, he may stop answering his phone and email. Also, this is his side business. Normally, he deals only with distributors. http://precisionproductssteering.com/

You can rebuild your own control valve. I just bought the kit from Randy and did it myself. I had a few questions along the way and he was very helpful.

I’ve used Randy a couple times in the past and he did nice work. But lately I would have a hard time recommending him. He’s had 2 control valves and 2 cylinders of mine since September! He contacted me once in December and assured me they would be returned in a couple weeks. Still nothing and he will not return emails or calls. If he is that busy he should stop taking new orders until he catches up.

Ours are the best on the planet. My guy only does classic Ford stuff and does it full time for guys like me and JCC. We never get returns, he does this full time and gets stuff out quick. Keep in mind we buy cores so if you got 3 bum steering boxes we will give you back one rebuilt unit that is WAY better than the repro stuff. BTW, My guy and the Stangersite guy have been pals for many years and both only have good things to say about each other.