Wierd part.

In preparing parts for the currrent cat undergoing restoration, I needed a L.R fender extension. I found a good one in my stash and media blasted it. I go over to fit it and find it has a cast location pin on the top edge sticking out. The originals have a spot where it looks like it was broken off. Checking part #'s DOWE 652819-A The orig is DOWB-6528519-A

So what’s the B vs E thing?

Ok, here the real interesting thing! The slot where the rubber seal fit into is not there in the “E” version, it has the 2 “ridges”, but the slot is cast just like the rest of the extension.


D0 = 1970, W = Cougar, B = Body and Electrical Division, E = Engine division. Are you sure it is an E and not a worn out or poorly cast B?

It is an “E”
I took pics and hopefully they post…

try #2

Ok, finally got :file is too big max allowed is 256KiB

This part gets wierder…

try #3

If you lok close it could be(must be) the letter B. Still strange about the casting diff w/ out the channel.