XR7-G Update

Fantastic Steven, that is so cool to hear some of the details and answers to questions, about the car. If it were not for the negative found under the seat, you may not have gotten that much info. He is a bit privet, but I guess he has his reasons. This just adds that much more to the package, of owning this car, Congrats!

Dennis that’s for sure about the negative. He said exactly that. He shared information up to the point I asked/told him about the negative, it was just at a slow cautious pace.

Jeff there was a great amount of luck involved in this process. I did a good amount of “homework” but time can make finding information like this sometimes harder than finding “a needle in a haystack”. The reward for persistence is the priceless story and information.

Well it’s been a while since I’ve done a update on my contact with the G’s original owner son. I never heard back from him with a address to mail the slide/negative of the German Shepard to. I tried to call him today and got his voice mail. I left a message so I’m hoping that he will return my call soon. Well I figured that I’d a least share the slide/negative here. So here is a K9 Hero that served our country and saved the life of a previous Cougar owner while he was on night Patrol in Vietnam.

Too cool Steven! Awesome detective work!

BTW, I am not sure which is getting more attention at the car shows I am attending (end of summer/beginning of fall they pick up around here), “Chauncey” or Isabel! It is a close call I’d say!

Thanks Bob. I’m really hoping to get that phone call because reuniting the K9 photo and his owner will be really special. I’m sure Isabel is getting her fair share of attention. I’m glad your enjoying “Chauncey”.

Well I got a phone call from the XR7G’s original owner. He provided me with some more information about the K-9 photo/negative and the Cougar. He gave me his address (he still lives in California) and asked if I could send the picture of the K9 and some of the G. I’ll call him when the photos are sent out because there was one detail I forgot to ask. What was the dogs name?