Q code 428CJ;
P code color Competition Yellow;
Code 1A Black Standard interior.
Should have a 3.00 Traction lick 31 spline N case rear
Currently missing the CJ and C6. But it has a clutch peddle in it. The Marti report is on the way…
My inspection found some rust in the doors and it may have some rust in the floor. But it was undercover until recently. I could not find evidence of any accident repairs, but is had had a repaint. Odometer reads 98800. It was a drag racer in it’s earlier years.
I didn’t even see any mounting brackets in the trunk for the cali emissions. But I really was looking for rust not brackets. No emissions parts were in the trunk.
That car looks really solid. A sleeper except for the Comp yellow paint. Congrats!! My 69 Q code has the same 3.00 open gears with a C6, definitely a sleeper.
It is, but at this time it is a low priority. I need to get the 71 done before getting to deep in to this one. As much as I would love to drop all the projects and hit this one hard.