68 XR7-G on eBay

Very strong bidding on this G, what’s it worth as it sits and how many $$ to restore it to a number 1-2 car?


He should spend more time looking at the car instead of the tramp. I can see a spot in one of the pictures where the roof is rusted through regardless of his description. And the rear window channel looks to be beyond repair. Curious there are no shots of under the hood. No pictures of the interior either. He calls it a Hertz G but doesn’t offer any documentation to support that. He doesn’t know if the engine is original or at least he isn’t saying. And the fenders and quarters are flared. All that being said, it’s already bid for more than I would give for it.

Al I think you didn’t load it all the way. There are lots of pics of interior, and under the hood, and a Marti report that shows 1 of 188 with “XR7-G (Hertz car)” on it.

Really? I looked at it three different times. I’ll try it again and see what happens. I still stand by most of my assessment though. I’m pretty sure the additional pictures aren’t going to enhance the value that much.

Got to see them all finally. Needless to say they didn’t make me more optimistic. The back seat looked nice though!

Tough call on what it’s worth in its current state. I would have guessed less than $7K. It will cost between $60K and $80K for a professional restoration to a #1 car. If the buyer is doing all the work himself, it still would exceed $50K to bring it to a #1 condition.

Didn’t this car just get sold from the original owner? Not sure where I read about it. It took a long time to talk up the sale if I remember the story correctly. Quick flip or just to much to fix? Makes me wonder. Al you are right it has a nice back seat.

Nice rear quarters too!! LOL …

Jeff, right on, but I think you might be a bit low on your professional estimate. I’ve just been through it and I think my E wasn’t quite as bad as this one (from what I can see).

Well, the roof doesn’t look as bad as mine was :smiley:

You should offer to do the roof replacement for the new owner Andrew. We all saw first hand that you’re perfectly capable.

Al, this XR7-G is talked about on the other forum. It’s titled, “Is this a legit XR7-G” in the “For Sale” section. Also, this is the same G on WCCC’s Hall of Shame. John

Well, I get by with a little help from my friends :thumbup:

Sorry I don’t frequent “that other site” anymore. I only check and see if there’s anything cool for sale. :smiley:

:doh: I forgot about that. John

The seller has lowered his reserve if anyone is considering placing a bid on this G.


IMHO - I guess if you bought it for $10K and spend another $50K, you would be into it for less then what I’ve seen a few for sale lately…
Question, could you find a ground up restored 390 sunroof G for $60K?

I can tell you so much; $60K will not buy mine when it is done.

I think you’re underestimating what it would take to restore this car. And keep in mind a complete G that was described as a solid car just sold for $10K. That makes a rusty one that’s missing most everything worth quite a bit less don’t you think? :think:

And whatever the market is for a nicely restored car, Gry’s would be worth more. At least based on the work I’ve seen so far. :thumbup:

So does anyone have an idea of any recent sales of G cars? We know about the recent sale of the Lime Front one at 10K needing lots of work but have there been any more. Any info on really nice cars changing hands?