Cars that survived

I know the total production of 427 and 428 GTEs from this forum. However, does anyone have any records of how many are known to still exist (not referring to VINs of long gone cars). For example, I have a 428 XR7, how many are accounted for that are still cars (and not gone to the crusher)?

Have you tried contacting Jim Pinkerton (goes by Cougar1 on this forum)? He is the GT-E registrar.

Yes, I did but I haven’t heard back. Also, I am always more interested in sparking discussion than hard facts. I want the facts too, but I’m curious what everyone thinks.

I always enjoy the numbers and did a deep dive into how many that are known to have survived. The data changes as more cars are uncovered and become “Known”.

Phil Parcells that runs the National Database can help with some of the data mining as to what has been recorded via

Jim Pinkerton can help with questions as well. Jim is very responsive via the phone as well as email.

Attached is something I was working on for the 2018 GT-E issue of ATSOTC magazine

Very nice chart , I’d like to see something like that for the hertz G, I was and wasn’t surprised how many are over seas. My Dad sold a corvette years ago and part of the deal was to take it to a port in NJ and they were astonished how many classic cars were lined up to be loaded on ships his went to Norway, the gentleman who bought it was a BP off shore oil white collar worker, this wasn’t his first time he new exactly what paper work was needed to ship it out of country.

Bear in mind that “accounted for” does not imply that the car exists.

Check the XR7-G Registry section.

HartenePointe – I am unaware of your attempt to contact me. On the other hand my internet has been down for days. Suggest you give me a call on my cell, given the situation. 425-582-1046.
Jim Pinkerton
Cougar GT-E Registrar

Great chart Gavin!

So, Jim, what I was curious about at the top of this thread is, how many GTEs of the various types are known to have survived?
For example, I have a XR7 428. Not asking about known VINs, but of the recorded 23 of those cars built, do we know how many are known to have survived to this date?

To specifically answer your question, as far as the Registrar knows, only 9 of the 14, 428 XR7 GT-Es still exists. You mention 24, but the total 428 GT-E production, Standard and XR7 was 37.

Jim, this is the page I got the 23 production number from.

Exactly. A known VIN and an actual car are two different things. I’m sure some are still hidden somewhere and remain unknown, but I’m still curious on the breakdown of Known surviving CARS.

With all due respect, I think Jim is looking at the wrong column. I read it as a production of 23 XR-7 GT-Es, as well.
But the only way anyone knows how many are left are by those who have registered and/or are known by
the folks who keep track such things, like Jim, Gavin, and Royce, who have done us a great service.

That chart I suspect is from Bill Basore who asked to post summary data on GT-Es several years ago, therefore the information is dated. Anyway, my information comes from the Ford production database (ala Kevin Marti) in terms how many were produced. I was asked how many still survive and I’ve given you my opinion based on facts contained in the GT-E Registry/Master Record.

I’m not seeing the answer on how many 428 XR7s are known to have survived.

Maybe you missed it - look here:

Thank you yet again Jim and Royce. 14 it is.

Here is a possible explanation of the confusion with the numbers. According to Jim Pinkerton there were a total of 37 428 GTEs built, that is a combination of both standard and XR-7 models. Next according to Jim there were a total of 14 428 XR-7 GTEs built. If you subtract 14 from 37 you get 23, and that is the number on the above chart. So perhaps when that chart was put together the number 23 was mistakenly put there instead of the 14. Or perhaps this chart is actually the numbers for the standard models and not the XR-7 models. I do not know which, if either, explanation is correct. Just an observation.

Randy Goodling
CCOA #95

Jim said nine of the 14 survive today.