Classic Cougar Community vs

And Al makes my point. I didn’t start this site as a business venture. Many times I have said that the forum belongs to the members, and I do mean that. I may have a simple solution, I could put in my will that upon my passing that the site would go to the Cougar Club or something. Or make some sort of “first right of refusal” to the membership if circumstances were to force me to move on otherwise.

I don’t think that sites like this are worth much monetarily. In fact Jay tracks the time he spends working on this site and he would have charged me about $8K if I was paying for this site the way I do others, and I spend a lot more time here than he does. Jay does what he does because he is first a very good friend of mine, and second I do pay him to maintain a bunch of other web sites related to other business ventures. I also think he gets a kick out of watching my Cougar craziness in action.

I am not complaining, but getting this as a gift might not be such a good thing after all. And by the same account, don’t sell Logan short, he may have sold the content created by the members, but I am sure that he had a significant investment in the site over the years.

I had approached Logan many times about taking over MC.Net if he wanted to off load it, or buying it if he wanted to sell it. He always told me that I really didn’t want it. When it came up for sale, I learned about it just like you guys. I have no idea what he got for it.

And don’t forget, “donations” are just that, dollars/things given freely of your own volition. You don’t get mad at the Goodwill store for selling your “donations”, do you? Just sayin’…

Let’s not be too hard on Logan, after all, he did pay for it’s creation and bandwidth for several years. Not to mention all the time he spent monitoring and updating it.
I am sure the donations he received did not even come close to the hosting costs.

Thanks again to Logan for his vision and financial backing of this community in the past. He is one of the main reasons we are all togeather today…

And now, thanks to Bill for his continuation of the effort!

But I’ll wager you’d be pretty upset if you found out the Goodwill store was just pocketing the money wouldn’t you?

If Memory serves me, Logan had several forums going at the same time, and was operating them the same as If more of the members of the combined forums contributed, then logan might have made the decision NOT to sell(remember, he only had adwords at the bottom of the page).

Bill has the same tolerance for the Hooligans and bullies Logan used to, only Bill frequents the site more often, and the best way I can think of to keep bill interested in keeping the site from the hands of Click-Farmers, is to Contribute!

(and it keeps the Whole Site Running, Not just the Forum!) :beerchug:


No, matter of fact, I wouldn’t. Because, the items I donate are worthless to me, which is why the were donated in the first place. Out of sight, out of mind. I could care less who’s actually pocketing the cash, since, in the end, if they ARE, they’ll answer to a higher authority than me or you.

You mean Arthur King of the Britons?

You mean Arthur King of the Britons? >

That was my first thought, too.

No, I mean Peg, your wife. LMAO

That’s not the way I remember it, Pete. Logan would slap-down (and slap-down hard) when he felt it was warranted. And as the forum’s owner, those actions seemed to be respected. In my opinion, we have no data thus far with which to judge this forum in that regard.

Just sayin’

Geez I thought a curbster would run with the Holy Grail reference. Are you a little sleepy?

Nope. To be quite honest, I’ve never seen the movie…(shhh, don’t tell, they’ll kick me out!).

(With PA Horn) You there! Step AWAY from the smilies… Let me see you hands… NOW!


You have got to be kidding! In all seriousness, it’s in my top 5 movies all time. Then again I’m sorta twisted.

Nope…Google/YouTube are my friends.

They aren’t mine, I’m just posting them for a friend. Well OK they’re mine. But it’s no big deal. I can quit any time I want. I just don’t want to right now. :bonghitter:

As a matter of fact, I do discern a difference between my giving free knowledge to people on a forum that remains in the (sorta) public Cougarphile domain and someone hanging a tag on the collective knowledge to which I contribute.
The info I tended to pass on over on the old forum wasn’t so much an old sweater or another 5k tshirt I was sick of looking at. It’s something of value that I was sharing with people of like mind.
That’s a different story for me.
I don’t want a cut. I just think it’s unfortunate that Logan didn’t see the value of the community the same way I did.

With regard to the Hooligan Thing; Where You are a moderator, You did what you felt was right. I wasn’t there, I don’t care. - I can lay no blame on you. The beef is more along the lines of The “Admin’s” response to the matter. Logan would have tried to remedy the situation amicably for all parties involved, Which I am confident Bill would do if need be. Not tell every body to “Grow-up”! (The slap downs came if you didn’t heed his warning, or challenged his authority. remember “Indyboom”?)

I watched it, yessiree i sure did…with my wife.

I think that’s when the wife gave up on me…

Monty Python escapes me too. :martien: