Classic Cougar Community vs

I’ve seen it more than a few times. Anyone remember Doom 2? My friends and I made an audio mod from a bunch of Holy Grain sound bites. For example, when you would fire the rocket launcher, it would play the catapulting cow sound, BOING… Moooooo. When you would fire at one of the more common baddies, it would play “Now knock it off”. It was pretty hilarious.

LOL, never played the Doom games other than the shareware version of the first one…my favorite game from that time was Descent…:y:

Was it lots of fun or was it just Decent? :poke:

Compared to todays games, it’s just mediocre.

Or we could get into the Peoples Front of Judea vs the Judean’s Peoples Front… :biggrin2:

All right, that’s enough! :angryfire:

This is the second time in one session that I’ve seen MY copyrighted (copywritten?) signature comment being used by person’s other than myself! As of this point forward, I am charging a royalty of $5-10 for each use of "Just sayin’ " in a post!
You know it’s good line, and I know it’s a good line; and furthermore I think it’s worth something!

Please make your “royalty licensing fees” payable to the “Donate” button above the picture of Zoli’s (or any future ROTM) Cougar.

And thank you for your continued support! :thumbup:

Dessicated Riparian Wilderness Canine

You need to relax a bit Dawg.

Just sayin’

You didn’t read closely the part about making payment to the “Donate” button above the ROTM picture, did you?

It’s all about funding my long-term project known (only to me until now) as “Keep ‘Helena’ and NOPI off the Triple-C!” :toungin:

C’mon dawg, it would be fun for Helena to come over here. Just for a quick visit not permanently or anything. I have a special greeting waiting for her to take back to corporate.

Anyone else suspect DD’s off his meds again??

Jes seiyen…

“off my meds”? What med’s? Unless you’re counting Nyquil and Alka-Seltzer Plus when I had the sinus congestion 3 weeks ago; there are no meds.

For years I’ve maintained that I could screw up my physical body well enough on my own WITHOUT paying some sawbones that’s still “Practicing”. If I could find a Doc that didn’t need to “practice” anymore because he has MASTERED being a Doc; I might (stress MIGHT) trust him. :mrgreen:

Easy there, DD…here…have a nice bit of cheese…I promise there is nothing poked inside it…LOL

Here Dawg, maybe she’ll make you feel better.

WHAT? You’re shatting me, right? I can use my old car interests and a public forum to find hookers? MC.Net ROCKS! :thumbdown: I mean… what dad looking for something to help him bond with his son wouldnt love THAT??? Right? :flipa:
“Well son, what do you think? Who should we buy the interior kit from? OK!”
" Now then… what about your 1st hooker? Yep! She’s pretty, but no son. She’s not a REAL red head, let the old man teach ya something."

LMAO…I’m sure Nadia would teach Evan AND you a thing or two, Two!

Hey I already called dibs on Nadia! What kind of place is this?

Sounds like you got outbid, Al.

et tu Dawg? "


Hey hey guys, don´t make fun of my housekeeper :wink:

Had my adblocker on and never saw that.
Glad you posted it.
I don’t need to go back there now. I’m not gonna get all political on the car forum.
I’ll just say thanks for helping me point my clicks elsewhere.