HOWTO: Add Video to Your Posts

In our ongoing effort to keep things simple on the Forum, I have added YouTube and Google Video tools for your posting pleasure. You can still add videos using the original method, but for YouTube and Google videos, there’s a quick and easy method, too.

The Easy Way

YouTube Videos

Browse to the YouTube video you want to include in your post and grab the YouTube video id–the string of characters after the “v=” and before the “&” in the URL. In the following URL, the video id is: xM62KcCvwPQ

Click the YouTube button on the tool bar in the Edit Post editor. Paste the copied video id between the two YouTube tags like this:


Poof! You have a YouTube video in your post. Click the Preview button to test it.

If you have any tips, comments, or issues, post away.

I just added YouTube BBCode tools to the tool bar with instructions added to the sticky to make adding YouTube videos much easier. See the sticky for details.

Thanks Jay! That should make things much easier. What about posting PDF files for down load?

There is now an Attachments tab below the full editor. You can attach a PDF, or other allowed file types, by clicking the Add Files button on the Attachments tab or dragging and dropping the files into the message box of the editor.