I hate spiral locks

As in the title, spiral locks are a pain in the thumbs to install on pistons. Double spiral locks are a double pain. But I did discover a bit of an improvement in the process (with some internet input). Stretch those things out so that are like a coil spring to about 1/2 to 3/4 tall. Oil the spirals and the groove. Start the spiral end at the lower part of the pin groove (away from the piston top) so that you are starting the lead of the spiral at about 7 o’clock in a J shape and work it around to the top where there is no edge to catch and it slips in easier. Now you have just over half the groove diameter with the spiral started and the rest can be worked in with a small screw driver as you tilt up with the spiral lock so that the leading edge slants towards the groove. I wish I would have video captured the process but alas not enough hands!

Getting them in is the easy part. Have any tricks for removing them?



A bigger hammer has always worked for me… That, or explosives. JK, LOL!

Removal is a small screw driver to pry the starting edge out and then these neat little 90 angle needle nose that grabs that edge and plucks them out!

Removal tool at my house is a scratch awl used for layout of sheet metal stuff.
Pointy, hard, and has a comfy handle. Works well.