IOLA 2012

I contacted the folks at Iola about next years show.
Asked if we brought a group of Cougars up there would they reserve an area for us.
Initial response is “yes”, shouldn’t be a problem.
They are having a meeting mid August to discuss next years show.
Should know for sure after the meeting.

If this is a go.
Who all wants to go.

If I was close, But from So. Ca. and in this economy can’t happen. Have a great time and post pics of the cats and any interesting fomoco products !

I see that Johns Classic Cougars will be represented at Iola this year. See you there John. Got my registration form from the Iola Car Show. No registration fee for pre-registered vehicles because the Mercury is one of the featured vehicles this year (along with Plymouth, Pontiac & Oldsmobile - The 21st Century Orphans). The featured car area is going to be crowded.

The International Mercury Owners Ass. will be having their annual show at IOLA. We will have a seperate area for Mercs for the full four days. You will be able to come & go.

Do you need to be a member of the IMOA to participate in your activities including parking in the area you have been assigned?

I do not know if you need to be a member or not. I would think so though.


You gonna go?

Yes I will be going. Don’t know what car to take up there. I am thinking Eliminator.
Randy F

keep me posted on this, maybe if things line up Ill meet you out there.
How far is it from your place?

From beloit wi you are looking at about 2 1/2 to 3 hours. About 160 miles. Its a nice cruse.

Just found my registration form for Iola this year. Didnt realize registration is free for Mercs.
I’ll be attending this year again. Hope to meet a few more Cougar people.
I’ll be wearing my navy cougar polo from Johns cougars.

I am penciling it in for now, depending on I maybe there w/o the Cougar.
I will let you guys know for sure closer to.
Maybe Ill see if I can get a few of the guys around here to go with and car pool, to save gas and buy a few more rounds. :beerchug:

I don’t know anything about this show never been, but is it big and well organized? I got an e-mail and a follow up ph call yesterday and they want me to display my XR7-G in the tent at the show. Guess you have to be invited to do that and then they break cars up by blue ribbon concours etc… Any information from some of you members that have attended would be helpful. About a seven hour drive for me I’m guessing, and they said I had to commit for four days Thursday - Sunday. I got about a week to decide for sure to attend.

Brian, I believe this link will answer your questions.
Around 115,000 attended and over 2000 show vehicles last year. Lots of venders in the swap area. The only thing that can ruin the experience would be the weather and that’s the case with any car show. Last year 2/3 of the venders and 1/2 of the blue ribbon and concourse cars were gone by 9am on Sunday due to the weather I’m sure. This is one of those shows that you need to attend at least once in your lifetime. My guess is you’ll do it more than once. This is not one of your small car club shows, the whole town is involved and they have been putting up these kind of numbers for years. You won’t be disappointed. Hope to see you there.

We will be at Iola thurs. as well as working at gate 4 from 6 till noon on sat. Will have our 68 standred there also. jim

I will be there on Sat for sure and may be there some on Fri. I will have a comp orange eliminator. I will be with the Mercury Owners Ass Show.

Im not going to be able to make it -have a wedding on Sat, by the time I get back into the area on Sunday it will be over.
sorry guys we will just have to try and make it to another show.

I’ll be there thursday and wife-permitting, again on Saturday. It really is too big to do both the show and swap meet in one day. I’ll be bringing copycatvert. Hope to meet some fellow CCC members.

I’ll be there Thursday thru Sunday and camping as well.

I’ll be there Thursday for the swap then Friday & Saturday with the Cougar.