Post your summer Cougar pictures

I’d be happy to post some, but I don’t want to take the thread off topic (again!) nor to dominate the postings. How about I post some in my ECI thread on MCnet for 'ya?

Here’s mine…

Well it looks like the gauntlet has been thrown, I hope the payback is approipriate :smoke:

tweeder, while its definitely a page turner its not something you can thumb through :laughing: An amazing piece of work for sure :smoke:

Laughing, thats one thing i’ll have to put in the memory banks on the next photo shoot. Awhile back I took some side/interior shots I thought were gonna turn out nice till I got them home and put them up on the big screen. I left my pack of smokes in the ashtray and it really took away from the shots :angryfire: Oh well, another lesson learned :smoke:

You finally bought it! Sweet!

Now, I know you are a Veterinarian, but you can’t bring home every cat, horse, or snake that comes along. Or can you? LOL! :slight_smile:

You CAN if you have a tolerant spouse! :wink: I low-balled long and hard for this stupid blue thing. Needs a few little details before spring to be a good driver, but it’s going to be fun. Now, tho, I am 100% finally and totally out of room and there will be NO more…

Took the last drive of the year on Saturday… top up and heater on full blast. Changed the oil and filter, topped off the gas tank, added Stabil and positioned Q-vert in the garage for winter hibernation.

The first snow storm of the season is now under way… expecting 8-12" by tomorrow morning. I’d say my timing was impeccable.

Beautiful day here, nice and cool and sunny , had a sweet cruise this morning

Nice here too but I cannot drive a stick currently! :cry:

CR, Nice BTW!

Catsrock, sweet ride!!

I love that one with the train in the background. Great looking cat!

Thanks Bob and Cougar2, notice both sun visors are up? :laughing: Nice ride DeadStang :beerchug: Glad to see people posting their cats, some real sweet looking rides :smoke:

During the WCCC open house, on Saturday evening we cruised to McMinnville and ate at the McMenamins Hotel. After dinner as I was walking back to my car to head home I noticed a few college girls doing some sort of photo-shoot against the back of some of the old buildings near the parking lot. So I thought I would offer them the use of my crusty old car as a backdrop, if they were interested. Of course they were – chicks dig old cars :slight_smile: They took a few pics and the photographer posted one on her FB page.

I was going to post a picture but I can’t top that one!!! NICE!


Almost looks like two different people, I much prefer the first picture. Her curves go so well with the curves of your Cougar!