Quirk with photos

Is anyone else seeing ccc.om logo superimposed on pictures? I see consistently on 67SCode’s sig picture, and occasionally on others.

Using IE9 on Win7.

I see it on the awesome cougar-smiley signature-- actually I could barely tell it was the smiley, all I see is the superimposed logo.

I’m viewing on an iPhone using Tapatalk.

Thanks for pointing that out. I have not noticed it while I’m on my iPhone. I will take a look from my computer. I hope my smiley signature isn’t being censored. :frowning:

hmmmm… it looks like a big CCC block with a little bit of wheels and part of a smiley ooops, smiley’s all there


I see the same thing. Looks like something Helena would have done.
Sorry Bill, couldn’t resist.

For some reason reading the name Helena brought back the memory of an old joke. The one about the guy with a very short - but wide “John Thomas”. He was often heard loudly proclaiming “I may not touch bottom but I am hell on the sides!” Maybe my mind “put two and two together”: "Helena = “hell on the”? As odd as that may sound (consider the source), I really think that was how it happened! :buck:

I’ve been seeing the same on S code’s sig for some time now but beyond a brief moment of wondering I had forgotten about it. The mind is the first thing to go…

Actually I just noticed the same thing on the batch of pictures Bill posted in the ROTM thread. Maybe that’s the technical issue he was referring to.

I looked on the computer without logging in an I see the block over my signature picture. I also see it on Don’s GTE photos that Bill posted. The Gif is even blocked in my gallery of pictures. Did I do something wrong? :confused:


I don’t think you did anything wrong, here’s my take. I think Bill/Jay have put in something which watermarks any (and all) pictures it comes across. As such, your smiley is getting watermarked (and it doesn’t work too well on that!). I’m betting they will figure out how to differentiate between what they want to watermark and what they don’t as opposed to just watermarking everything that qualifies as an image. For instance (and an exception to my hunch) avatar’s. They are not watermarking them. Perhaps the same thing/treatment needs to happen with signatures?


I’ll have to do some investigating to be sure what’s happening, but I know the gallery is set to watermark all the large versions of the images you’ve uploaded–supposedly just in the gallery–when a user isn’t logged in. When the user is logged in, they are supposed to be able to see the images in the gallery without the watermark. Signature images and images within posts aren’t supposed to be watermarked at all.

I’ll try to take a look at this later to see if I can figure out what’s going wrong. Thanks for letting us know.

Thanks Jay for checking into it!

Oh I just realized also, I don’t see signatures at all when using Tapatalk. It wasn’t until I used “open in Safari” to see Steven’s awesome sig pic that I noticed the watermark. For whatever reason, when I’m logged in and using Tapatalk, when I choose “open in Safari” it opens Safari with me not logged in. I’m sure that’s just a Tapatalk issue.

Just wanted to clarify that and correct my earlier statement, in case that helps with the troubleshooting process.

…Awesome signature pic, thanks tmh.

Okay, here are the results of my troubleshooting so far:

First of all, the gallery is set to watermark all gallery images for users who are not registered and logged in. 1967 S Code saved his signature image in his gallery, so when a user isn’t logged in, it was getting watermarked.

There is a setting in the gallery that allows me to prevent smaller images from getting watermarked, so I set the size limits larger than the size of 1967 S Code’s signature image. Now it doesn’t get watermarked; however, when I’m not logged in, the animation doesn’t work. If I log in, the animation works just fine, so I think the gallery software is still messing with the image even when it doesn’t watermark it.

What we do from here depends on how you guys want this forum to work in the long run. Here are some options:

  1. I could turn the watermarking off completely. If I turn watermarking off completely, the animation in 1967 S Code’s signature works for all users. The downside is that the larger gallery images wouldn’t have the admittedly minor protection of a watermark. If some miscreant wants to steal your image without the watermark, all they’d have to do is register, so I’m not sure the watermarking is much protection.
  2. You could move the images for your signatures to another folder, either on or off the site so the gallery watermarking wouldn’t interfere with them. I haven’t tested this, but I suspect that the animation would work if the signature image weren’t in the gallery folder.
  3. We could leave it as it is right now, in which case animated signature images from the gallery will only work for logged in, registered users. (Maybe that’s a feature, not a bug?)

I could hack the code of the gallery to fix this, but since this gallery gets updated by the developer fairly frequently, I’d have to re-do my changes every time it is updated, so I’m not fond of that approach.

I’m open to other ideas.

I’m logged in, and it isn’t moving

Hmmm, I’m logged in, and no animation. I can see the sig image now, but no anime.

(BTW, not a big issue for me, just trying to help you with the troubleshooting)

Tapatalk, since it’s designed to run on platforms that are typically less-powerful than a PC, might eliminate some content in order to run on a smaller screen, load more quickly, etc. I’m kind of surprised they’d eliminate signatures since a typical signature isn’t much in terms of file size, but who knows?

There is a thread on the Tapatalk Support Forum in which a user requests the signatures be added and a Tapatalk Engineer says they are going to add it to the user profile page. You might check and see if that’s been done; according to a post in that thread it hadn’t been as of 11/2011.

Your browser may have cached a non-animated version while I was messing with it. Try a Ctrl+F5 to clear your browser cache to see if that fixes it.

“Sam Ting” for me, no anim, logged in.
