Show us your Cat as it sits right now

Had a fun rowdy 428 in the car over the summer. Going to rebuild the date correct 428 CJ over the winter.
Back into the vault for improvements.


I have 2. I’m hoping to start the 73 next spring. The 82 Cougar wagon is getting coyote swapped, 5.0/6R80 trans. I’m hoping to have the wagon done this winter

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I had my 71 XR-7 out yesterday. Had a nice time at a local cruse in.

One person brought out his real 289 Cobra.

He said he has the original 260 on a stand in his garage and is running a 347 stroker. He also said he had a lot of fun getting the clutch linkage to work changing from the 5 bolt bellhousing of the 260 to the 6 bolt bell housing of the 347(302 block) 6 bolt bell housing.

Both of these 57 T-Birds left the factory in the same color.

Oh, my 71 was not the only Cougar in attendance,


Ones a little farther than other Father and daughter builds


Picture I took coming home from our Solomons show.

  • Phillip


OK, not “right now”, but a couple weeks ago when I brought it home:


Mine last week ,start to look like a Cougar !

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I don’t think those are the right size wheels - lol! Looking good though!

Wow Phillip, great setting with the old gas station.

Yeah, I’ve been driving by it for years. It is on 301 and about 20 minutes north of my place. Looks like they just walked away from it sometime in the '70s or '80s. They have even put up a barrier to keep people out, but since I passed it twice going to and from Solomons I figured I just had to go for it. I planned everything out in my head, drove around the barriers, positioned the Cougar, rolled down all the windows and snapped a bunch of pictures as fast as I could. I know that one day I will drive by and this place will be gone…

This is my lowrider wheels they just need to be attached to a hydraulic system LOL !!

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Getting ready to replace leaking oil pan gasket and then start installation of a pair of coilover shocks on the front. Should be done just in time to stuff it away for the winter. :neutral_face:

Do you store it over the winter on the wood cribbing? If so, other than airflow underneath, do you find any other benefits to it?

No I don’t. That’s just so I can get under it to work on it without dealing with jackstands. I don’t have a lift.

My 70 “Q” code Cougar is having a difficult time finding it’s footing…

This has to be the best thread here… I love seeing how and what people and there Cougars are up to.


Great pic of your Cougar and I’ll second what a great backdrop!

I agree, it’s great to see; but also a little demoralizing - I’m such an under-achiever…

The key to achieving greatness is to put in effort, work hard, and maintain a positive attitude.
But it’s already looking great !!

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Rebuilding the front end this winter. Unsure exactly which way I am going but will pull the break booster out for a rebuild and study up on how I want to put it back together.

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