Show us your Cat as it sits right now

It wears this now:

Yeah, I need to get my butt in gear

Nice day in the 70s. Need to wash the Eliminator.

Well, not “right now”, but it is a pic from thursday when I took it to work :slight_smile:

Oh the anticipation Andrew :laughing: Lookf forward to the after pics :smoke:

How did you get your Cougar to hang upside down? :laughing:

How did you get your Cougar to hang upside down? :laughing:

I know. Wall of shame material. Too many other projects going to get to the cougar.

It’s killin’ me too… I want to put the thing together this summer and be done!

^^^ digging the pic’s some nice pieces and parts. What are your plans when finished? :smoke:

Thanks, it’s pretty much the weekend fun car.

Waco Cat ready to come out of the winter storage bag. She started right up and will be heading to Carlisle All Ford Nationals and will be in Building Y.

See you at Carlisle Dave! :beerchug:

  • Phillip

Haven’t thrown the comforter back on it from the nice cruise today, so its not really tucked in yet :laughing: Took 2 hours after the cruise to clean up the truck, noticed I missed at least 2 bug remains but the rest looks clean :whistle: The garage is the room divided, bow tie on one side and blue oval on the other side :smoke:

Sitting in a cluttered California lair, I prefer the photo of on the PCH near Malibu California.

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Gavin: New plates?

Great eye. I took the opportunity to have my white plates reissued in the more traditional Black and Gold.

:slight_smile: Patiently waiting for her restored interior

Nice looking phat cat CatTwo, and a great first post to the community :beerchug: Welcome to the insanity :smoke: