Show us your Cat as it sits right now

^^^ The engine compartment is a work of art -

  • Phillip


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If you go back to the top of the thread, mine as it sits now is the same photo, except reversed… but that doesn’t matter. I actually lifted the cover this past weekend to get inside to roll it back a few feet to get the other car out that it was blocking.

Imagine my surprise to see the globebox hanging open with the light still on… just the way I left it when I parked it… in NOVEMBER!!!

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the glovebox light stayed lit since November? Did you have a battery tender on it?

Not much different 5 years on… :wink:


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Thanks for posting this mark. You lit a fire under my butt seeing this done in just 5 weeks. Looks fantastic…


Yes, absolutely.

Hi Pat,
Having the deadline of Carlisle kept me pushing forward…it was a mission to the point of staying after midnight most of the 5 weeks. Towards the end it was til 2-3-4am and the last day I just stayed all night until I had to leave for Carlisle in the morning. Wednesday now, I think I am finally back on track with sleep.

Sanded, sealed, sanded again, final masking is done. She should be painted before the weekend is over. I can hardly wait to get to it!


Waiting at the shop for its new engine…


Thanks Bill - I just pulled the sensor and am boxing it up to send your way. It was rebuilt 3 yrs ago and worked great with an NOS thermistor and proper cal range on float. That’s all gone out the window now (60-140 ohms, thermistor too high, and the float has liquid in it). Alot less fun to drive it when you don’t know how much gas is in the tank!

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Finally carved out the time to get some minor things taken care of and got her off the lift tonight.


My 68 R code and 69 SCJ Elim


Wow - nice!

  • Phillip


Alomst ready for Texas cruising!


Hi !
Mine is very far from cruising nights

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Cars & Coffee last Saturday morning at M1 Concourse in Pontiac, MI.

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We’re about to head out for a day on the boat and I ran up to the grocery store for a few things. Parked by this guy. ‘Merica!

All the pictures are on my phone now, but I have put on 5 miles on the 69 since I got the hydraulic clutch figured out, probably 10 on the 68. The 67 is probably 7u0 percent done with sheet metal replacement. Apparently every single place where there was a lay of metal, there was a layer of rust. And I am still getting parts for the 70 Convertible. I have a new gas tank for it, a new one piece floor pan, lots of wiring. I have had the engine running but it needs a freeze plug above the starter. It started leaking, as soon as I put water in it. But three out of four are now running cars!! Progress is slow, but slow is better than none…

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