I thought, there is something missing from this site.
While having a few beers last night I thought what it is, A Beer Thread.

Had my first of these last night, pretty good.

Shiner is the official beer of my garage, but I haven’t seen Shiner Blonde around here yet. Is that a seasonal beer? I am currently paying $15 for a 12 pack of Shiner Bock. Seems a little high to me. What are you guys paying?

I discovered Shiner Bock on the beer thread on the other site, great beer.
Don’t know if Blonde is seasonal. Wife brought home a variety pack,
it has Bock, Blonde, Black Lager and a couple others.
Going to try the Black Lager tonight.

A twelve pack is $13 something around here.

Blonde is pretty good…but, my all-time favorite(thanks, Scamp!), is Leinenkugels Summer Shandy…gawd that goes down easy in the heat…only problem is, it’s only available in…you guessed it, the SUMMER. WTH is up widdat?? LOL.

Other faves:

Fireside Nut Brown
1888 Bock
Sunset Wheat
(all from Leinies)

Love Yuengling, when I can pilfer some from the neighbor who travels east of the Mississippi on occasion.

Kostritzer in the winter, pretty heavy, but tasty.

Samuel Smiths Nut Brown Ale…spendy, but worth it, IMO, but only on occasion.

The Shiner here runs around 13 for a twelver.

Had a couple of these the other night.
Pretty good, similar to Guinness.

The only Sam Adams I like is the Octoberfest, and only in draft.

Amen, z-man! Bill, it’s back on the shelves at Albertsons. Sit down though; $7.99 a SIX!!! :astonished: Gotta be someplace in town that sells 12-packs with a price break.

Speaking of “not bad, for the price”; Albertsons is hawking my “cheap watery summer beer” - Michelob Ultra in the skinny cans - for $13.99; 12 packs are $11.99. Can we say “DUH!” boys and girls?

Troy, my wife Sue and I went to Red Lobster for lunch one Sunday back in late June (nothing special, we were just “childless” for the weekend). I tried Sam Adams’ “Summer Brew”. Stuff was actually pretty good - surprisingly so, for a wheat beer. Wheat beers to my palate usually taste like what I’d imagine dog vomit to taste - that shnizzit was actually VERY GOOD!

The restaurant had it on tap; I later bought the bottled version and it was almost-but-not-quite as good.

Wheat beers to my palate usually taste like what I’d imagine dog vomit to taste (like)

WOOF! That is one bad picture

Bill, I wondered who would first pick up on that simile. But what’s with the dangling participle you added?

Somebody oughta have fun with THAT question! :mrgreen:

Unibroue La Fin Du Monde (The End Of The World)
9% alc/vol. Ale on lees extra strong From Chambly, 15 minutes from Montreal.

Citrussy, but nice. I have been lucky to experience several triple fermentations from friends’ home brews. Always good!

I love the Fin Du Monde.

In a similar alcohol and complex taste vein, my favorite beers are from Founder’s Brewery (MI). In descending order, I’d say their super awesome beers are:

Backwoods Bastard
Dirty Bastard
Breakfast Stout

All their beers are great (except for the Cerise which I find disgusting) but I especially like their darker beers, especially the Scotch Ales.

I also love a good single malt scotch.

I have a monthly “Garage Night” where we get together and kick tires, play video games(one friend has Cougars in his game) and we sample beers… ok, a bit more than sampling! Last time we tried the “Infinium” from Samual Adams and a few other large bottle speciality/seasonal beers. The Infinium was really interesting! Kinda like a champange & a lambec… Let me know if you would like to swing by! Next night is the 26th…

Tried the Batch 19 the other day at a local pub (we go there because it has London Pride on tap). Batch 19 isn’t bad, actually good, once you overcome the idea it is a MillerCoors product. It would make a good mate with Shiner in the garage fridge.

Where you at Bill? I do similar here. I have “Movie night” in the garage. One of the most enjoyable was “Blazing Saddles” night. :spit:

Basically I’m just a miller lite man myself, but theres a place around the corner “World of Beers” thats pretty cool and I enjoy a Kronenourg 1664. A friend of mine from Dallas turned me on to Shiner, good beer too. :smoke:

I’m located in the foothils of the Rockies, just South of Boulder. Interesting you should mention movies, I was thinkin about Gone in 60 Seconds… the original. Trying to convince my friend (who helps w/ body work) to come over for the B-J on Speed!

Back to Beer…

How about Orangeboom?
Or Hoegarden?

P.S. I grew up in laCrosse WI Home of Old Style beer, then I moved to Golden Co. Coors home… beer & cheese !!

Hoegarden is good…haven’t tried the Orangeboom…whodat?

Widmer Brothers Drifter Pale Ale is a new one I’ve been “into” lately…(thanks, Ritchie!)

Bell’s Winter White from Kalamazoo Michigan, good stuff!

I can think of 10 beers better than what they tested.
Its obvious that they didnt ask a good beer drinker what beers should compete.