The Top Cat is on the way back

Definitely looking good :slight_smile:

Did you get your trunk lock clip sorted out?

The trunk lock clip will just not slide in all the way. I may try some lubricant to reduce unnecessary friction.

It turns out that the body work around the lock cylinder had been damaged so I addressed that issue and the lock is now in place. Additionally, here is the latest shot under the hood!

Looks good!

Will you be driving it this summer?

Looks good - what is this?

Looks like the spot for the front vacuum port connector thing.
*That or it’s the temperature sensor port. I might have them mixed up in my head (not on my car, LOL).

I think a better thing to ask is whether or not Chuck is going to take the '69 PCV system off of his '70 Eliminator and set up the '70 style.

No, the temp sensor goes there.

I hope I don’t have to drive it during the summer. I live in Phoenix and we are opposite of the world. We drive classics during the winter months and stay in the shade during the 115+ degF summers. Summer will start in May and won’t end until Halloween; day and night heat!

Plus, no AC!

Wow, thanks! I did not even notice this. When I had it in 1970, it had California Smog on it, air pump and all.


You planning to put the smog back on it? Repro setups are about $1750 for pump and everything. Looks good for appearances at shows :slight_smile:

Why is that thing screwed in where the temp sensor goes?

The P.O. had some gauges where the A/C block-off plate went. I found the block-off plate in the glove box!

Wow that was some good luck!

Remember that this work was performed back when this was just a “used car”

Here it is today, cat sunbathing …

Very cool! Are those the same wheels that were on it when you owned it?

Looks great! Very cool that the 70 Arizona plates just happen to be the same two colors as the car. Keep that black dash pad covered while sunbathing.

The wheels that are on the car now are not the original wheels. I have the ones that came off of it when I reacquired the car and they are the 14x7 steel wheels with the dog dish hubcaps and trim rings. This car was ordered by the dealer for GO and not SHOW so it is a light car with a huge motor; i.e. no frills. I found this set of wheels and tires laying around so I stuck them on. I’m thinking of going with some Centerline 17 inchers when I get to that point.